Payrun Preferences Tab

The Payrun Preferences tab allows you to:

  • Choose which leave balances are posted on your pay advices
  • Choose to include or exclude details of leave balances and super contributions on your pay advices
  • Set other company-wide payrun preferences.

Editing the Payrun Preferences:

  1. In Navigator click Company | Maintain company details.
    The Company screen will open.
  2. Click on the Payrun Preferences Tab.
  3. Edit the following details as required:
Field Explanation
Payslip Preferences

Print...Leave on Pay Advices

Check the boxes next to the leave items (Annual/Personal/Long Service) you would like included on the pay advice.
Print R.D.O. on Pay Advices Check these boxes if you want the amount of R.D.O. or Flextime or Superannuation calculated in the current payrun to be shown on the pay advice. 
Print Flextime on Pay Advices
Print Super Guarantee on Pay Advices
Store a copy of all Pay Advice in PDF archive Check this box if you want to retain PDF copies of all Pay Advices in your HR3pay database. These exact duplicate copies may be extracted at a later date if necessary. See Enquiries - Earnings History for information on extracting a copy of an archived Pay Advice.
  • Pay Advices will only be stored from the time this option is switched on.
  • Selecting this option will use approximately 4KB of database space for every pay advice stored. The exact size will depend on the pay advice format and logo size etc.
Payrun Preferences
Split-Cost SG super contributions by payrun dept splits Companies that split cost the wage costs of their employees into various departments, have the option to automatically pro rata their employer super contributions to those same departments. To achieve this in the payrun, tick this option.
Auto Checksum This option causes the payrun entry process to perform a 'self-balance' function to validate taxable income, tax and net pay, etc. You should normally leave this option selected.
Leave Dates Mandatory in Payrun Entry Check this box if you want to make leave start and end dates mandatory in payrun entry, employee leave requests and leave requests coming through from kiosk.
Warn if 'Hours' in Payrun vary from 'Std hours' in Employee A warning message is displayed if these hours are different. This applies to any Pay Item that is defined as 'Ordinary Hours', 'Leave Hours' or 'Other Hours' (in Pay Item | Details | Payrun/Statistics Breakdown).
Note that this warning is skipped if the pay periods for a payrun differ from the employee's standard pay period. For example, if they are receiving more or less than their standard pay frequency in a single pay.
Show Start/Finish dates in Payrun - Pay Items screen Select this option to display these dates in the Payrun.
Note that none of the standard reports (other than the relevant Data Explorer queries) will print these dates. The function caters for those clients who wish to produce custom payslips which show each day separately.
Auto balance leave trans to Emp Std Hrs (Std Hrs >0 only) In Pay Items you may choose to Reduce Ordinary Time - this is typically switched on for Leave Pay Items, which are paid in lieu of Ordinary Time. This Auto Balance option allows you to force HR3pay to automatically balance the employees' Ordinary Hours, reducing them by the amount of the leave transaction (as per Reduce Ordinary Time). This option is described fully in Automating 'Reduce Ordinary Time'.
Enable pay period cycles Use this option to activate pay period cycles. These may be predefined for multiple groups of employees within your organisation. This option is described fully in Pay Period Cycle Sets.
Auto re-calc of monthly Super Guarantee shortfall This option will include the recalculation of SGC during the Payrun Recalculate if there is a shortfall in the expected calculation. (This might be happening because the superfunds weren’t updated to the new rate at the start of the year and doesn’t match with the calendar default of 9.5%). The recalculation will only happen if you process the Payrun Recalculate option.
Define "Ordinary" Hours

Click these buttons to open the "Company Ordinary Hours Definition" or the "Company Ordinary Earnings Definition" window, where you select the pay items that will define your 'Ordinary Hours' or 'Ordinary Earnings' for each company.

When you view a selected pay item (via Payroll | Payroll Framework | Pay Items) the Details tab will indicate if it is included in Ordinary Hours and/or Ordinary Earnings.

It is important to get these definitions right as they will determine what actually makes up the 'Ordinary' figures that the system calculates. You can also define these settings for an individual pay item in the Pay Items screen.

Define "Ordinary" Earnings
Job Cost Preference
Validate Job Codes Switch this on if you want payroll to validate the job codes entered into the system against those that are part of the Job Code validation table. It means that you can only use job codes that exist in the validation table.
Show Job Code Column in Payrun Details Please contact your HR3 support staff before making this selection.
Show Job Code Column in Payrun Costing Select if you wish to enter a job code in the payrun. Codes can be entered in costings against pay items, leave, employer super or termination items. The information is then available on customised general ledger and earnings history reports. Note that job codes are not printed on any standard reports.
Pay Period Multipliers
Extend std deduction $ amounts by pay periods Specify which types of employee standard $ based pay items and/or banking amounts you wish to automatically extend in a payrun when the pay period quantity changes, such as when paying in advance.
Extend std employee personal super $ amounts by pay periods
Extend std manual/additional tax $ amounts by pay periods
Extend std allowance $ amounts by pay periods
Extend std employer super (SG) $ amounts by pay periods
Extend $-based bank account splits by pay periods